AEW – Allied Engineering Works Pvt. Ltd.

founders day

Highlights from the 6th Founder’s Day Celebration at Allied Engineering Works Pvt. Ltd.

As the sun rose on a crisp morning, it brought with it a sense of anticipation and excitement to Allied Engineering Works Pvt Ltd. On this day, we celebrated our 6th Founder’s Day, a milestone that not only marked the passage of time but also served as a moment of reflection, gratitude, and inspiration for all of us associated with the company. With the theme of “Best Hamesha”, the day promised a blend of insightful guidance from our management, exciting games, fantastic performances, and much more.


Shri RP Goel AEW Team #aew founders


Addressing the Future Endeavours by our Honorable MD and Director:

The day kicked off with an inspiring address from our esteemed management team. They shared valuable insights gained from years of experience, emphasizing the importance of teamwork, innovation, and perseverance in achieving organizational goals. Their words served as a guiding light, motivating us to push boundaries, embrace challenges, and strive for excellence in all our endeavours.


mr. ashutosh goel mr. vipul gupta


Exciting Games and Activities:

Following the morning session, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement as employees gathered for a series of engaging games and team-building activities. From relay races to problem-solving challenges, each game fostered camaraderie and collaboration among colleagues. Laughter filled the air as teams competed with enthusiasm, showcasing their skills and spirit of sportsmanship.

anchorsguess the word guess the word game fun game mega wire archery board game baloon shooting matki fod bottle and tub hit the hammer


Fantastic Performances:

As the day progressed, the stage came alive with mesmerizing performances by talented employees. From soulful musical renditions to energetic dance routines, each act captivated the audience and showcased the diverse talents within our company. It was a moment of pride as we celebrated not only professional achievements but also the creative abilities that make our workplace vibrant and dynamic.

dance group 1 dance group 2 singing


Award Recognition:

The highlight of the event was undoubtedly the award recognition ceremony, where outstanding individuals and teams were honored for their exceptional contributions and achievements. From innovation and leadership to dedication and teamwork, the awards spanned various categories, reflecting the diverse talents and accomplishments within our organization. As each recipient took to the stage amidst applause and cheers, it was a testament to their hard work, passion, and commitment to excellence.

award 1award 2award 3award 4 award 5 award 6 award 7 award 8  award 9 award 10


Reflection and Celebration:

As the day drew to a close, we took a moment to reflect on the journey that brought us to this significant milestone. It was a journey marked by challenges overcome, milestones achieved, and dreams realized. But above all, it was a journey fueled by the collective efforts and unwavering dedication of every member of the Allied Engineering Works family.


aew team 1 aew team 2 aew team 3 aew team 4


As we celebrated our 6th Founder’s Day, we reaffirmed our commitment to building a brighter future together. With gratitude in our hearts and determination in our souls, we look ahead to the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, confident in our ability to overcome them and emerge stronger, united, and more successful than ever before. Here’s to many more years of innovation, growth, and shared success at Allied Engineering Works Pvt Ltd!