At, AEW we believe that an individual’s prosperity is tangibly or intangibly related to how the society prospers at large. Therefore, our core CSR focus areas are:




Education Programme
AEWs Computer Education Class
AEW sees education as the seed of innovation. AEW is not only committed to giving students greater access to education but is expanding the scope of learning through the use of technology, facilitating a classroom environment that is limitless and gives students access to a world of knowledge from their desks. Improve students competencies through School Computer Education sessions focusing on Basic Computer Literacy. To provide basic knowledge of using computers to students who come from rural and economically weaker sections of the society, thereby enhancing the overall quality of education by providing adequate resources, including quality teaching staff and materials. Through the use of IT technology, the AEW Computer Class fosters a smart education environment, enabling students have the opportunity to easily understand and assimilate the syllabus concepts through a more learner- centric education platform. Students are given hands on experience in the communications media of e-mail and internet facilities.
AEW Vocational Training Program
While problems of unemployment are not new, the rise in number of people who are unable to meet the industry’s needs due to the lack of career-oriented knowledge and skills-set is a pressing problem. AEW decided to assist the youth of today in designing their future and laying the foundation for financial independence by offering systematic vocational education and local employment. AEW fosters promising talents by offering customer service education, soft skills and capabilities needed to survive in today’s competitive work atmosphere. The graduates are also exposed to life skills training or internship opportunities during their course, which prepares them for the real workplace scenario.
The Company intends to touch many lives by reaching out to people from every walk of life to help them stay healthy. The objective is to promote wellness and not treatment. In line with this, under its CSR focus the company will aim to promote preventive healthcare in the most remote corners of the city with the aim of making quality healthcare accessible & affordable for all. To do this the Company will:
- Promote preventive healthcare through awareness campaigns in rural as well as urban areas.
- Conduct free screening and diagnostics camps as part of promotion of preventive healthcare.
- Conduct eye as well as ear check-ups for the underprivileged Children’s and adults.
- Conduct a medical camp for blood donation and supporting the poor patients.
- Continue adhering to Green Strategy.
- Reducing the ecological impact of internal processes and activities.
- Promoting environmentally conscious behaviours both inside and outside the Company.